Learn at your own pace, gain valuable insights and elevate your expertise with our new on-demand e-Learning course – Class Essentials Online. Perfect for new Class users or those seeking flexible learning options. Elevate your skills and enhance your Class experience.

Dive into 22 comprehensive topics, each offering instructions, tips, video walkthroughs and practice activities which is equal to our $500 live in-person course now delivered FREE and on-demand. Accessible anytime for all Class subscribers.

Class Essentials Online e-Learning covers:

  • Onboarding Courses: Learn to configure settings for optimal application use. Ideal for practice/office managers, senior accountants, or administrators during initial system adoption.
  • Getting Started: Introduction to Class system features, covering Processing, Reporting, Investment Management, and Members, Pensions, and Asset Segregation for SMSFs. Designed for accountants and administrators responsible for system processing.
  • Specialty Courses: Enhance automation and specialize in processing, including an Introduction to Class for SMSF Auditors. Geared towards those looking to improve efficiency in processing specialist items or manage data feeds for the organization.

Available Now – On-demand and Free for Class Subscribers.

and start your learning journey.